Did you know that March is the Woman History Month? It is an annual celebration that highlights the contributions of women to important events in history and contemporary society.
On this occasion, we have collected a series of exhibition opportunities for women and non-binary artists all around the world.

Age of the Bimbo - Woman Made Gallery
Woman Made Gallery is looking for artists working with any medium for the realizations of works that investigate the notions of appearance, beauty standards, minorities, self-pleasure, and any kind of artistic production exploring hyper-femininity as a tool for empowerment.
The selected works will be showcased during an exhibition taking place at Woman Made Gallery, 2150 S. Canalport Ave., Chicago, IL 60608 in the Pilsen neighbourhood.
All women and nonbinary artists, including trans women and femme/feminine-identifying genderqueer artists are eligible for participation.
Deadline: May 15, 2022
Submission fees: $30 ($35 for late submissions)
Application info available here

The Society of Women Artists 161st Annual Open Exhibition 2022
The SWA aims to promote women artists with an Annual Open Exhibition.
This year, the exhibition will be held in Mall Galleries, 17 Carlton House Terrace and both society members and non-members can apply to participate.
The eligible works’ typologies are: painting, pastels, drawing, mixed media, sculpture, in all media; engraving, lithography, and ceramics, glass and metal not of a utilitarian nature.
Deadline: May 12, 2022
Submission fees: £18 per work (non-members), £9 per work (members and artists aged 18-35)
Application info available here

La Fenice Art Gallery (HK) – Open Calls for artists
With more than 20 years of experience in Global Contemporary Fine Art World and Markets, La Fenice is an online art gallery promoting emerging and mid-carrier woman artists only. Their major aim is to valorise art realised by women, as well as to overcome the gender paid-gap that still characterises the art market.
For the upcoming months, La Fenice Gallery is organising two group online exhibitions - "LET THERE BE LIGHT” and "PEACE ON EARTH" - and one personal online exhibition. They will prioritise applications from woman artists.
The eligible works’ typologies are: Painting, Drawing, Printmaking, Photography, Mixed Media, Digital Art, Sculpture, Ceramics, Textiles, Video, Performance, Sound, Writing.
- “Let There Be Light” exhibition – March 19, 2022
- “Peace on Earth” – March 30, 2022
- Online exhibition Solo Show - March 30, 2022
Submission fees: 15 €
Application info available here

18th Julia Margaret Cameron Award
The Julia Margaret Cameron Award is a prize dedicated to woman photographers only, being them professional and amateur, working in all mediums, styles and schools of thought.
The award consists in a fully-paid personal exhibition organised by The Gala Awards in the FotoNostrum Gallery in Barcelona in October 2022. The number of eligible winners for the award is 4 and the contest is divided into two sections:
- The professional section (Series and Single Image)
- The non-professional section (Series and Single Image)
Apart from the four winners, the Jurors will also select winners, runners up, and honourable mentions in all the above mentioned categories, so that all these photographers will be invited to exhibit in a collective exhibition, held in a space contiguous to the exhibition of the four overall winners.
Deadline: March 27, 2022
Submission fees:
- Each set of 3 single images: $36 until Feb 20, then $45
- Each additional single image: $8 until Feb 20, then $10
- Each series of 6 images: $48 until Feb 20, then $60
- Each additional series: $24 until Feb 20, then $30
Application info available here