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Greek Mythology in Art: Pandora's Box

Ashley R. Webster

In Greek mythology, the tales of Pandora's box and the creation of Pandora herself share a strong significance. Pandora was known for being the first woman crafted by the god Hephaestus. She embodies the idea of curiosity which later leads to dire consequences. As the story goes, Zeus entrusted Pandora with a box, warning her never to open it. Filled with curiosity, she accidentally unleashed all the world's evils, leaving only hope confined inside. Swiftly, she managed to seal the container just in time, entrapping the final element: hope. Thus, humanity found itself in an unending cycle of enduring hardship while clinging to the belief that brighter days might someday arrive.

Pandora holds a significant place in ancient Greek mythology, often paralleled with the biblical figure of Eve as the first woman on Earth. Yet, debates arise regarding this characterization. She embodied the revered qualities of her era: beauty, grace, and exceptional weaving skills.

The myth of Pandora's Box has captivated people throughout history, inspiring many artists to depict it through frescoes, mosaics, and sculptures.

This myth, often intertwined with the notion of feminine power, fascinated artists in the 19th century. Here are a few of the most memorable portrayals of the timeless tale from Greek mythology:

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Pandora, 1871, Private collection

Pandora by John Dickson Batten, 1913, via the University of Reading

Epimetheus opening Pandora's Box, Giulio Bonasone Italian, 1531–76

Pandora's Box, John William Waterhouse, 1896, Private Collection

René Magritte, La boîte de Pandore (Pandora's box), 1951. Courtesy of Yale University Art Gallery.

PANDORA'S BOX, 1992. George Herms, Mixed media assemblage, 56 x 51 1/2 x 8 1/4 in.

Crocker Art Museum


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