Gilbert Salinas: Nature's Evoluton Through Art
Painter and printmaker Gilbert Salinas lives and works in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The theme of his work is based on investigating the different ways to address organic forms of nature and its constant evolution through art. One of his favorite pieces entitled "Among The Chaos" is interpreted into a abstract and earthy piece of work.

“Among The Chaos” © Gilbert Salinas
When it comes to his latest series “Hominidae”, it is described as a “semi-figurative series that has evolved from abstractions”. In 2015 the process began and over the years the paintings have evolved. Living in San Juan, Puerto Rico near the beach is a being influence by the tropical surroundings. His technique is described as textured and tactile. Using organic material from palm trees as part of the textures and build layers of mixed media. To a name a few follow as “modeling paste, small amounts of sand, heavy body acrylics and gels, charcoal, ink and oil paints”.

© Gilbert Salinas
HOMINIDAE whose origin comes from members of great apes or hominidis. They’re a family of primates that include eight extant species in four genres. They list as following: Pongo, Bornean, Sumatran and Tapanuli, Gorilla, Pan, Chimpanzee, Bonobo and Homo.

© Gilbert Salinas
When the process of creating begins, the method to the experience comes from an abstract view in an intuitive way. As the work continues, shapes appear - not everything is planned and meant to be. Some things happen by accident while others are controlled mistakes that happen to be even better then what was meant to be. If it is something that is appreciated during the process it stays.

© Gilbert Salinas
The process takes days to dry while continuing to create and cultivate every layer. Each layer goes through a different process. The experience is dynamic - his artistic language is described as particles. The particles are related to the fact of all life on earth is based on carbon atoms. Many characters come from the subconscious. There is an anatomical element in the paintings that grapple with the organic matter for space. Similar to human struggle with our instincts and emotions as we grow and become more complex.

© Gilbert Salinas
The Hominidae Series is related to “The conscience, instincts and complexities of human beings.” You can check out Gilbert Salinas work on Instagram @gilbertsalinas and his website