5 works of Art for Spring!

In some parts of the United States, it seems like spring has already sprung! Temperatures are warmer, it's breezy and there is even pollen! If you are in the Northeast and the snow is still coming down, then perhaps you are dreaming of warmer temperatures, wildflowers blooming and bees buzzing.
In any case it will be spring soon enough! March 20th is the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. This will induce warmer weather. Grass will grow, bees will buzz, flowers will bloom and most importantly the sun will shine, and….. April will shower.
Of course, one of the things I love most about spring is the promise of renewal and growth. For those of us who have had a hard winter, spring is the chance to start fresh and a reminder that after the worst of times, there is growth and life.
So, I picked 5 works from Art Dealer Street that will inspire you, remind you of spring and promise a new beginning. Read on below.
1. Flower Girl I by Amit Bar (above)
Artist Amit Bar is from Doetinchem in the Netherlands. Since 1995, Bar has been creating fine art photography featuring models whose painted bodies enliven the scenes. Bar is concerned with climatology and nature as references for the themes of his works. In Flower Girl I, a mixed media on canvas print from 2011, Bar’s model is painted black from head to toe except for several light pink Hibiscus flowers. At first glance, the piece is fun and lively, but a darker meaning is hiding just beneath the surface. Not only is the whole composition an impressive feat that Bar has managed, but it’s also an inspiring scene. It makes me want to frolic through a field of daisies and just take in all that nature has to offer.
Buy it here: Flower girl I — artdealerstreet

2. Wind and Flowers by Tran Tuan
Tran Tuan is an abstract expressionist painter from Hanoi, Vietnam and attended the Fine Art University there. Tuan’s acrylic on canvas from 2022, Wind and Flowers, is perfect for spring and will take you all the way through summer. With bright and vivid color, Tuan creates pure happiness on the canvas. Tuan’s fervently applied colors relay his happiness while he stands in the middle of a vast field of flowers. And the wavy layers mimic the ever-present wind on that perfect day.
Buy it Here: Wind and Flowers — artdealerstreet

3. Spring Spirit by Elena Mardashova
Elena Mardashova is a Ukrainian artist who injects awe into each of her canvases. Her aptly named oil on canvas from 2022, Spring Spirt, represents a snapshot moment of Spring. Mardashova has captured a bluebird perched on a flowering branch, his head turned as if he has just noticed us. He will soon fly away. The wispy haze and out of focus nature of the flowers suggest they are swaying in the wind and contrasts with the intricate details of the small bird. I am definitely left in awe and delight with this small communion with nature. This compact oil on canvas is perfect for your kitchen or coffee nook. You can gaze into spring year-round with this promise of growth and renewal.
Buy it Here: Spring spirit — artdealerstreet

4. First Day of Spring by Sebastian Rudko
Sebastian Rudko is from Poland and lives in Cracow. After studying at the Academy of Fine Arts there, Rudko creates paintings in oil on canvas, like this one from 2020. Rudko is inspired by the world around him. First Day of Spring offers the feeling of that first bright spring morning with vivid blue skies and luminous green grass. In a hazy sort of way, the canvas invites the viewer in for a split-second gaze into Rudko’s subconscious on that happy day.
Buy it Here: First Day of Spring — artdealerstreet

5. Spring Grass by Pu Wei
Pu Wei is a Chinese artist known for her painting. The innovative style of Surupa painting is a new practice rooted in eastern philosopher and Chinese culture. Wei paints with East Asian Ink and wash on rice paper. Wei choses subjects that honor creation, the universe, nature and life. Each painting is unique and ambiguous such that each viewer walks away with different feelings and conclusions, but the purpose of each is the same, to bring luck, health and happiness.
Merging the traditional Chinese form with Western abstract art, Wei’s paintings create a portal to an imaginary world. In Spring Grass, the viewer can step into the world of spring, surrounded by the colors of spring and the spikey grass stalks that pop up as the growing season begins.
Buy it Here: Spring grass — artdealerstreet