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A Banksy Memorial Art Piece is Stolen at the Bataclan

Sharon Ndalilah

It is an uproar of wild questions with each trying to understand the reasons as to why and who, but mostly why….

A recent theft, of a Banksy artwork - that paid homage to the 2015 terror attack victims at the Bataclan club, Paris has left many with mouths wide open. ‘An encounter with the artwork will show you a vivid depiction of a young veiled woman who’s face is engraved with tiny beautiful flowers but has a mournful expression. A beautiful piece of art.’ Sources say that a group of hooded persons armed with grinders were spotted at the scene. Bataclan director - Florence Jeux, says the security footage shows the men cutting the door out and driving off with it within a period of less than 10 mins.

Posting on its twitter handle, the management said “We are today filled with a deep sense of indignation. The work of Banksy - a symbol of contemplation, belonging to all residents, Parisians and citizens of the world, has been taken from us.”

Some time back the management had on its Instagram page noted the value of street art and its decision to have the work installed at the emergency exit door - “The very essence of street art is to give life to a work of art in a specific environment, and we are persuaded that this work has no meaning except in this place. This is the reason why we wished to leave it, free, on the street, accessible to all”.

Banksy, who lays low in his career, says the work was meant to serve as a memorial to the 90 individuals, who lost their lives when armed men attacked the venue during a rock concert in November 2015. At around 21:40 (20:40 GMT) on Friday 13 November, three heavily armed men attacked the building through the main entrance, just about 30 minutes after rock group - Eagles of Death Metal had begun their performance.

“People remember you for you doings and not really by your name”, could be very well used in this situation. Banksy, who is a famous graffiti artist keeps his identity a secret, with an exception of just but a handful of friends. He is one of those anonymous persons who are mentioned for incredible doings - a clear indication for the world to expect more and more. His career kicked off when he began spraying paint on trains and walls in his home in Bristol.

Creating easily identifiable works in public places, he soon started spreading his artistic skills across the world. One of the boldest attributes this particular artist holds – is his love for street art, putting into consideration that anyone could fog his works or even have them stolen, but still willing to work from the heart.

Last year October, Banksy pulled a stunt where one of his paintings self-destructed after it had been sold for more than £1m. It is said that the prank increased the work’s value.

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