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New York City Launches ‘She Built NYC’ Commission for Public Art on Women’s History

William Kioko

There is no tool for development more effective than empowerment of a woman, women have major role in the society, they contribute a lot in this world we are all living in, therefore they have right to be treated equally as men, they are also the contributors of success in the city. The New York City announced She Built NYC, a new initiative to commission a public monument or artwork on city property with a focus on women’s history. The program—which was inaugurated by the Mayor’s Office and the Department of Cultural Affairs—follows recommendations from the Mayoral Advisory Commission on City Art, Monuments, and Markers, a commission initiated “to expand the stories, histories, and narratives represented on public property in New York.”

As a press release for She Built NYC stated, “These representations have historically failed to reflect the multiplicity of people that have contributed to the city throughout history.” With a goal to correct for the past, the Department of Cultural Affairs has committed up to $10 million for new monuments and works. Women will soon be getting their place among the city overwhelmingly, female statues and monuments are going to be put to represent women. Officials had launched a push to put up a monument marking women’s contribution to the city and asked the public to nominate women and they would like to see honored.

“This is the day we finally start putting women where they belong on pedestals,” said deputy mayor Alicia glen who joined Mayor de Blosios wife, Chirlen McCray to make the announcement at Bryant park a rare spot that already has two monuments two women. The city has committed to commission and pay for at least one monument on public land, whose honoree will be chosen by the end of the year, other favorite nominations could be used for future monuments. $10 million has been budgeted by the city to make its selection of monuments more diverse across the city.

“90% of public monuments are men, in central park alone there are around 22 statues of men and just two female figure Alice in wonderland and mother goose, Alice in wonderland is not even a real woman, ” said Glen. A panel called She build NYC will take favorites suggestions from the public until august 1st for women, groups of women and events women’s history that had a significant impact on the city. The city is open to honoring a woman, a group of women or an event involving women, all of which must have a significant connection to the city. Events must have occurred at least 20 years ago. Specific figures must be dead and known for achievements that occurred at least two decades ago. Groups of women — such as single mothers or domestic workers — do not need to be associated with any specific period of time.

New York City is home to many, beautiful parks historical monuments, and public art displays and any walking tour of five boroughs raises a big question: Where are all women? The message is what women’s contribution are worth less than men.

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